Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Shiny Treasure Box Made From Chocolate Wrappers

I think my family ate a few too many Reese's peanut butter cups this Halloween!  I'm glad I saved all the colorful foil wrappers, because we used them today to turn a little shoebox into a shiny treasure chest..

I set out some white glue, paint brushes, a kid-sized shoebox, and a bunch of colorful chocolate foil  wrappers, and invited the kids to create something beautiful.  Both girls (3 years old) love anything sparkly and shiny and had a wonderful time gluing the foil wrappers onto the box.  They did an excellent job, and all I had to do was make sure they were using enough glue so the wrappers would not come off.  A layer of glue or modge-podge would help seal everything down and make the box more durable.

There were lots of "oooh"s and "ahhh"s at our shiny finished product.  What a fun little project using recycled materials!


  1. Ooooh Lovely! Looks so pretty and well, shiny! Great bit of recycling.

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  2. LOVE IT! Gorgeous and I know that we had more than enough peanut butter cup wrappers thrown away around Halloween. I have pinned this idea onto my Halloween Board for next year. Thank you for linking up to my Enchanted Thursdays Blog Hop this week!

  3. I love this idea - it's beautiful and easy enough for the kids to make! Thanks for sharing!


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